Our Credentials

We have created and officiated hundreds of wedding ceremonies over the last two decades

for destination weddings in and near Yellowstone and Grand Teton

National Parks in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho.  

We have expanded our services so that we may assist more couples who may have selected their

 own officiant or who are getting married in their home town or another destination and are

looking for a spiritual wedding ceremony that is intimate, unique and meaningful.

Our Philosophy

We believe that your ceremony is one of the most important aspects of your wedding

and deserves the care and attention to make it uniquely your own.

Our ceremonies are spiritual, non-denominational, embrace all faiths and cultures

and reflect the essence of your relationship, beliefs and personalities.

Trends for weddings are changing and couples are choosing to create a more unique

and personal event that reflects who they truly are individually and as a couple.

It doesn't matter whether it is a Large Formal Wedding, Small Intimate Wedding,

Romantic Elopement, Re-Affirmation Ceremony or Commitment Ceremony,

we give the same TLC to each ceremony to co-create with you a

 beautifully written ceremony that is yours and yours alone.

Our Service

Creating Your Ceremony:  Our service includes an initial ceremony interview, a customized

 draft of your ceremony, unlimited re-writes of your ceremony

and the final ceremony document.  

Officiating Your Ceremony:  Our service includes officiating your ceremony at locations

in or near Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks.

Ceremony Consultaion:  For weddings outside of our service area or if you have already

chosen your officiant, our service includes a telephone consultation with you

 and with your officiant who will be performing your ceremony.  

We'll be happy to assist you with selecting your officiant if you have not already done so.

Our Fee

Our Fee varies and we will quote you a price based on your individual needs.

Request Information

To request more information, send us an email at

Tell us about your plans including your wedding date and location,

and what you are looking for.  We will respond to you promptly.